Tuesday 26 February 2013

New adventures

Writing the first post of a blog is much like reading the last page of a really good book.


With one its the fear of leaving a world I've grown to love, and with the other its the fear of entering a new one but with no idea what to say.
Will there be terrifying dragons waiting to tear apart each word and syllable? Will I find new friends to share my adventure with? Will there be a butt load of feasting and frolicking? I sure hope so! Well....for the last two anyway.

So welcome to my new little world. Please take a seat, pour yourself a cup of tea and share some wonders with me.
I plan to fill this new space with books & stories, magic & dreams, fairies, dragons, mermaids as well as lots of cakes & sweets. I hope you enjoy it all as much as I do.

I have no idea where this blog is headed yet, as its just the very beginning. But I always think the start of new adventures are always the very best part. Don't you?

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