Monday 20 March 2017

A-Z Challenge 2017

Today is the day that I announce that I shall be taking part in the 2017 A-Z Challenge!

I took part back in 2013 and thought it would be fun to give it another try.
And as a sneaky way to force myself to blog more

If you haven't heard about this then head on over to here to have a little look at what its all about, and maybe you can take part too! 
Its still not too late to join!

Today is the BIG REVEAL, where people taking part in the challenge can let everyone know what theme they will be using for their posts.

For my A-Z this year I shall be writing about Folklore & Fairytales

Traditional stories, fables and myths from all over the world!
Maybe with a splashing of mythical creatures thrown in too if you're lucky! 

I want to focus on the less well known tales, or the older telling with more violence, evil and gore! 
Because we all know they're much more interesting!

I'm hoping that we'll learn some interesting and obscure things along the way and I hope that you're willing to join me on this alphabet adventure!

I'll also be carrying on with my book review throughout April as well. Because I definitely won't stop reading, so be prepared for LOTS of blog content this month!

If anyone here is also doing the A-Z Challenge then please leave me a comment and I'll pop on over to take a look at your offerings too :)


  1. What a great theme! I hope you manage to get in some Russian Fairy Tales. ;)

    DB McNicol, author

    1. Russian fairy tales are some of my favourite!
      I'll try to squeeze at least one in :)

  2. I love folklore and fairytales, so I can't wait to see what you come up with! Good luck to you, and thanks for stopping by my site and checking out my theme this year, Dragons in Our Fandoms!
    Jamie Lyn Weigt | Writing Dragons Blog

    1. Very excited for your theme too!
      Folklore and dragons. Perfect!

  3. Look, a fellow folktale blogger! I'm so happy I found you :) Looking forward to reading your posts in April! :)

    The Multicolored Diary: WTF - Weird Things in Folktales

    1. Ooooooh! You have a folklore theme too?! *runs to check it out*
      Very excited to follow yours also!

  4. Doing your book reviews AND the A to Z Challenge... awesome! Busy and fun times ahead!

    1. Busy busy indeed! I hope I manage to keep up with it all!

  5. Gonna be a great April! See you then!

  6. Oooh, I love fairy tales, folklore, myths, and more! Will be looking forward to seeing the ones you choose.

    1. I love them too! Very ezxcited to see what I come across!
      Glad to have you along for the ride :)

  7. Your theme sounds awesome. I'm looking forward to reading more in April. I'm writing fiction for my A to Z challenge this month. You can get to my blog from my comment by name if you want to check it out.

    1. Thanks!
      I'll definitely be checking yours out also! Good luck with it!

  8. I'm a dreamer myself and I've always been fascinated by fairy tales and folklore. Looking forward to reading you :)
    Sawasdee Thailand at Kohl Eyed Me
    Indian Dishes at Something's Cooking

    1. Yay for dreamers! You are most definitely welcome here :)

  9. Folktales will alway win me over! I'm in!

    The Old Shelter - Theme Reveal - 1940s Film Noir

  10. Lovely theme! I'm looking forward to reading what you have in store!

    Sanch @ Sanch Writes

  11. That sounds really interesting! I love fairy tales. Looking forward to your posts!
    The holidays of April is my #AtoZchallenge Theme.
    -Jamie @PenMinion

  12. Fabulous theme - I look forward to following your posts.

    1. Thank you very much :) I look forward to having you here!

  13. Replies
    1. Thank you :) glad to have you along for the ride!

  14. I love the history of fairy tales, ever since I studied several during a Children's Literature course (Little Red Riding Hood has a completely different background/moral message than what I was expecting). I hope to stop back during April to see your posts.

    Good luck!

    Cait @ Click's Clan

    1. Red Riding Hood is one of my favourites! Did you read the version where the wolf makes her burn all of her clothes and get into bed with him?
      Looking forward to having you here!

  15. Nice theme. I'll reveal mine on Monday (heavenly bodies) and as I'll be looking up in the night sky, mixing astoromony with folklore, there may be some overlap

    1. Oooooh, sounds interesting! I'll be checking that out too! :)

  16. We're going to have a lot of opportunities to get lost in fantasies in April. Probably need the escape by then!

    Have fun in April!

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out
